Venison Cubes

Chew Time


Human Grade, Hormone Free, Antibiotics Free, Free Range.

Free range of human grade venison forequarter originally from Australia

Our premium grass fed Diced Venison is prepared from the shoulder muscles and trimmed to ensure an extra lean cut.  No Added Hormones EVER.

Venison contains a high amount of B vitamins, and provides the perfect amount of zinc and iron to support a healthy immune system and organ function.

The forequarter of venison whether fallow or roe are both equally delicious, slow cooked / braised until the meat falls off the bone. They become sticky and comforting, ideal on a cold winters evening or as a Sunday lunch with a difference when you spice it up and compliment it with a rack of Muntjac.

Feed: Grassfed

Finishing: Cubes

Origin: Australia

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